Thursday, January 12, 2012

PokéStory Icon!

Hey there, this is Zinc. First post on the blog, exciting!
Anyway, I've gone and created the Icon for PS, as per request of Silver.
Let me know what you guys think of it in the Discussion boards!

Its transparent behind the Pokéball/Leaf. Again, leave feedback!


  1. Damn, man. Looks sick. Good work there! :D

  2. I'm a little late jumping on the commenting bandwagon here, but don't you think it's a little too similar to the MapleStory icon with the leaf there, or was that the intent? It's a lovely icon, but unless PokéStory has some sort of affiliation with MapleStory, I feel it would be indirectly leeching off of the popularity of the other MMO. Sure, this wouldn't be a bad thing for PokéStory, but it seems kind of dishonest...

    1. I already addressed this is the discussion boards. It is the MapleStory leaf, I know. I do have another leaf that I made myself. I'm going to get Silvers opinion on it when I get the time.

    2. Ah, I hadn't read the forums. Explains the lack of comments here!
      Oh, I didn't realize you just... Took it right from MapleStory... Either way, I feel that perhaps staying *away* from leaves, especially considering the similarity in titles of the two MMOs (again, unless this was the intent, and there's some affiliation with MS), would likely be the best idea, in my humble opinion.

    3. At first I didn't realize it. Never ever played MapleStory before, and at the time I just thought, "Hey thats a nice hi-res looking leaf icon I could maybe use." But yeah, I do understand where your coming from. I did make a tribute to the classic icon (Plusle & Minun) in the discussion boards which I'm a huge fan of, and I am also working on another one with the exact same look, just with a different leaf icon. Thanks for your concerns!
