Tuesday, December 20, 2011

No hope for PokeStory...

So, the source code... I recovered it! But... It has already been corrupted with data. There is absolutely nothing I can do other than restart the coding.

Again, I didn't want to have to do this but it looks like I have to. D:

I'm sorry a million times over for the unfortunate situation that has befallen PS, but I will be working diligently to get it back up and running. Thanks, everyone for your patience, and I am so sorry about this. =[

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I have made a horrible mistake...

So, I made a really birdbrained move. I compressed PDoA and PS so that I'd be able to to put them on my 8gig hard drive (each one uncompressed would be about 5-6GBs each). Compressed, it came down to a light 2.26GBs. I accepted it without any second though. I believed that those files could compress that small.

Days later, I've fixed my computer at the cost of a format. No big deal, I though I had everything.

I was wrong. Everything was corrupt, nothing in that archive was saved properly. I had to scrap the file. I lost everything I had done on PS.

Now, this isn't all bad. Thankfully, I have PDoA Classic saved on a different machine, because I was paranoid about this very thing happening. Build 77's source code is safe and snug on my server machine (it acts as a sort of backup drive). So I lost nothing in the sense of PDoA. However, Pokemon Story I wasn't so cautious about. Now, I admit, this is a few steps back but I can recover. Do not worry about any of the database files or the maps. Those are all saved remotely (thank god!). I would have just about quit if I came out of this reformat with absolutely nothing.

At any rate, I'm just reporting the loss on a public forum so that people would be in the know about what's happening.

Right now PDoA isn't too popular of a game. Mainly due to lack of updates and anticipation of PS. I'm going to have to push that back a bit.

So, I'm guessing the only other option I have is to release a holiday event involving the Rainbow and Silver wings (as suggested by Zinc) to remedy the fact that PS isn't going to be ready as soon as I thought. I said the process would take about a year to complete; thank god I didn't undershoot. Alot of people would have been upset, haha.

And if you tl;dr this then all you need to know is I lost PS, have PDoA Classic backed up, and I'm going to be starting PS over from PDoA's build 77 source code. A large step back, but I'll do it. I love Pokemon and this community too much to bail. The internet deserves a good, plays-like-the-handhelds Pokemon MMO. My goal is to build that MMO.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Virus Attack

My developer's machine suffered a nasty virus attack. I need to repair the PC, but it's taking some time to transfer all of my important files onto a drive. Transfer speeds are okay, but it's finding all the files that's troublesome. The server machine, thank goodness, has been scanned for viruses and the results were returned clean; so the servers haven't been affected. But my personal development time has been majorly hashed on. Not only am I dealing with this virus, but I usually go off the radar during holiday season, only to return a few days after January first. I hope you guys have a happy new years and I'll keep you guys updated on my issues. :D